
Monday, September 19, 2011

Pnina Tornai

Pnina is known everywhere for her skills of making amazing and unique wedding dresses. Pnina does most of her work is Israel and she is also from there. Obviously these amazing wedding dresses she creates do not come cheap. She makes customized dresses to but they are way more expensive then one of her orignal dresses.

Both of these Pnina dresses cost 7001$ and up

This is Her 2011 collection this wasnt my favorite collection but I still did like some of the dresses.

To visit pnina tornai website ==>

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nails nails nails!

I found this new way to make my nails go from looking bent to looking nice and its actually pretty quick. The only thing tricky about this is that they can be hard to put them on to the point they look nice the first couple of times but you get a hang of it after a couple of tries. I recomend them if you get your nails done alot like me and you hate when your nails just came to the point you have to take them off and you cant get into the salon tell saturday and its tuesday.. So what you do is just run to the store like Target and get some Sally Hansen stick on nail polish and boom your temporarily fixed!! This picture should help you decide if you like them or not. :)

Task 3

How I feel about blogging is, I dont really enjoy it to much I never really found any interest in blogging. I havent found any problems with blogging yet, in the future a problem that i could see happening  is probably trying to edit my page or something. I think this class is way better then a normal traditional class because normaly in writing classes you dont get to make a blog so i think this is a good expierence.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Over the weekend

Over the weekend i started seeing more and more of this one pair of shoes that are really famous in new york sence fall of 2010. They started finding there way over to minnesota. There called the combat boots there edgey and make alot of plain outfit a little more intense. I added a picture to show some of the few combat boots many people like to wear my personal favorites are the ones on the left and the ones on the right. Im not that big of a fan of the middle ones.

. If you could take your blog in any direction, what would it be?

If i could take my blog in any direction i would go towards fashion, criticizing  pictures of outfits i like and i dont like. Telling people what went wrong in a certain outfit or maybe what made the outfit perfect what completely tied everything in together just right.  Or telling people easy ways to dress up or dress down any outfit.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

connecting to the world

You connect to the world through the internet by communicating to family, friends, your boss, your employee's to meet new people.